

wow wow... 我們的 blog counter 在這幾天衝破 400 人次, 是哪一篇 blog 的吸引力, 真的不得而知, 而我們也終放收到第一個留言, 當然要回應一下...

那個 Scallop Pesto Spaghetii 真的是很簡單, 並沒什麼正式的食譜, 但我就嘗試把部驟寫給大家吧:

1. 把意粉煮熟,過冷河。
2. 放適量的橄欖油和 Pesto Sauce
放入鑊中, 炒香後便放入煮熟的意粉, 攪拌, 放鹽調味。(Optional: 加少許牛奶)
3. 同時在另一隻平底上放一點牛油, 放入帶子, 煎至金黃色便可。
4. 最後便
將帶子和意粉在碟上, 灑少許黑胡椒和 Parsley flake

Pesto Sauce 在一般 supermarket 有售, 除了煮意粉, 也可用來烤生蠔, 有興趣可問 Sandy。

- 雲迪

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I tried your recipe on Wednesday night. It was my first time cooking spaghetti in Italian style. I like this dish very much. I made some small changes to your original recipe to fit myself. I used traditional pesto basin to replace the dipping pesto source. I added cream (lite) instead of milk. I also added some asparagus to make it more colourful. Both the smell and taste were excellent. But… somehow, I made the dish looked more like a Chinese dish than an Italian dish. Well, I guess I need some more practice.